The Arts / Drama

The arts enable individuals to develop their aesthetic sensitivity. As a result, our arts curriculum comprises a wide cultural background and relevant cultural experiences which allow students to participate actively in a great number of activities which will eventually shape their personality, develop critical thinking skills, solidarity and independent moral judgment.

The arts department at International Schools is run by a group of professional teachers committed to the task of fostering artistic expression through drama, art, music and dance with the aim of promoting relevant cultural experiences and the development of creativity. Thus, some of our main strategies consist in:

Offering opportunities to access the arts through a wide variety of first hand meaningful artistic experiences.
Allowing students to learn about renowned artists and their work.
Using different kinds of techniques for the production of personal images which can overcome stereotypes.
Creating images which can reveal a proper choice of materials and techniques which suit a variety of expressive goals.
Participating actively in the creation and development of projects with a growing degree of independence.
Encouraging students to acknowledge the cultural heritage
of their city, country and the world as a whole.
Promoting the use of new technologies in artistic production which supplement traditional practices and resources.
Offering experiences which involve contemporary art as well
as their unique traits such as cross and mixed messages.

Furthermore, exhibitions, contests and educational outings throughout the year help the children to enlarge and enrich their artistic experiences. In addition, our students take part in interdisciplinary projects in the languages, social studies and science areas as well as in the acobi’s arts week exhibition and our own annual arts exhibition.


Drama is a subject that is taught in English in all grades of elementary school. As for the high school, students can choose to participate in the Drama Workshop and prepare the Annual Concert. The teaching of this subject as well as the assistance to the workshop offers a great number of advantages. Some of them are:
Strengthens personal relationships with peers and teachers, favoring the integral education of the student as a social being.
It allows developing different forms of expression, from language to body movement or music.
By losing the fear of speaking in public, the theater fosters self-confidence and provides greater personal autonomy, helping the most timid to overcome their fears.
Develops empathy, as it teaches the little ones to put themselves in the place of other people different from them. All year-end parents take delight in watching the different works we put on the stage as a result of the Drama classes.

International Schools are authorized by IB World Schools

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