Information and Communication Technology

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has imposed itself forcefully on our daily lives. We can no longer ignore these valuable tools in a world with instant connection thanks to amazingly novel forms of communication. From a young age, our tiny learners start to become familiar with our ICT rooms.

In our country and the rest of the world we are living in a virtual environment, which defines new social, working and cultural conditions. For this reason schools must take on the demands which these conditions will place on our future graduates.

The teaching staff at International Schools, through a multidisciplinary approach, takes on board ICT tools. Our
teachers and students have at their disposal the latest technical resources to improve the teaching and learning process and adapt them to the standards now required by scientific and technological progress.

The ICT department monitors the incorporation of technology in the different subjects in order to match the rhythm of the school to the rhythm of the technical advances of the modern world.

Through programmes with specific syllabus content, our young people learn the use of computers, and in particular begin to find out their possibilities and limitations. They learn to search for the required information, to make responsible and ethical use of the contents of the web and learn to select carefully what they need from the huge amount of available material.Students at International Schools use the most known programme units to find suitable solutions to the different problems they face and to make the presentations asked of them in the different subjects they are taking.

Training in the processing of data and the handling of information enables our senior students to produce papers in different areas of knowledge, such as Economics, Social and Political Studies, Finance, etc.

The Virtual Classroom

The virtual classroom is the point in the web where educators and students meet to undertake activities conducive to learning. The virtual classroom should not be just a centre for distributing information but a place where activities involved in the process of learning can take place.

In other words, it should make possible interaction, communication and the application of knowledge, as well as the assessment and management of the class. Virtual classrooms of today have different shapes and sizes and are even known by different names. Some are closed systems in which the user has to put in information and is limited in the development of his course by the number of options which are made available by the creators of this virtual space.
Others range far and wide in the web, using hypertext as the most effective device so that students do not fail to contact or get to know other resources in the web which are relevant for the class.

International Schools are authorized by IB World Schools

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