
Students from International Schools get together and relate with each other in different settings because developing and strengthening friendship is part of the institutional culture which sets apart our Educational Project.

Once the secondary stage is finished the schools organize reunion activities, among them, theatre, lunches, football competitions and the traditional end of year toast. While indeed the appearance of social networks speeds up and facilitates contact between current and former students, International Schools continues the practice of reunions in the school itself because it is a different environment which cannot be substituted and one which recalls a period of study and personal relationships which stay in the memory over time.


María Belén Pironi

Northern International School - Islands International School

(Former student of Northern International School, primary education, and of Islands International School, secondary education)

Your school, very grateful for the message and proud of your achievements

Dear Estela, Paola and other members of the Community of International Schools:

It is with great pride that I am writing to inform you that the team of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), which I have been training since last year, won the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Competition.

It is the most important competition in the world in private international law and it was developed 23 years ago in Vienna, Austria. This year 311 universities participated, including the most prestigious, such as Harvard, Yale, NYU, etc.

Last year I had the opportunity to participate as a student and this year to accompany the team as a coach. The event is doubly historical, since it is not only the first time that the UBA wins this competition, but also that it is the first Latin American university to win it in history.

I did not want to stop participating in this event, since the training that the school gave me was the kickoff of the race that I began to develop these years. I only see closely related (among other things) the day I decided to do debating, the years we participated and won with the team in the different intercollegiate competitions, my next involvement as coach of the school teams, and this achievement with the UBA.

In particular, as a message for IS students, I would like to encourage them to take advantage of the opportunities they have so that they can distinguish themselves and excel in whatever they propose. Leave your comfort zones and "go the extra mile". At school you can find those opportunities, and throughout their careers, whenever they set out to do so, they will also find them.

I am available to provide more information about this experience and for anything else that you may need.

Thank you very much!!!

P.D.: I attached a photo and the link of the news on the page of the Law school.



Tomás Alet Baker - 2008

Southern International School

Political Sciences - University of San Andrés

I had the experience of studying abroad, at the University of Sciences Po, in Paris. What I value most about my time at school are languages ????and perseverance. I acquired the French language very easily (in a period of 3 months I could already communicate fluently), thanks to the knowledge of Italian, Spanish, English and Portuguese! Having got elected to be able to make an exchange at the University of Sciences Po was one of the greatest joys.



Pilar Ferreira

Southern International School

Pride on our part and gratitude for thinking about your school


Good afternoon, Paola:

I am writing to let you know that I’m very grateful for my education. Studying outside, I realize every day how useful and valuable everything that we study at Southern International School was, especially languages. Here knowing more than one language is very much appreciated in the labor and academic area. Now I`m a public relations intern at a clothing brand called Little Hill People.

Moreover, my career is going incredible. But I am writing you today because in my Marketing Principles class we study things that I studied in Construction of Citizenship. In my class on the Responsible Marketer, we study how to calculate average and rank and I feel in a position of knowledge much higher than most English students. We are the international students with the best grades.

In turn, I am grateful for the IB program. I feel that ultimately helps me constantly when it comes to writing and in my way of thinking. Since the beginning of classes in September, I was appointed representative of my class and I am part of the committee of the debate society as responsible for events and social networks (last week, I organized a debate of the 4 candidates for mayor of the city of Manchester together with my University).

The experience of studying outside is amazing. Every day I thank you for being here studying what I love in an incredible faculty with infinity of resources to grow as a professional and as a person. And all this could not be possible without the Southern International School and the constant support of my teachers.

If you ever want me to write or say something to encourage studies abroad or even studies within the area of ????public relations, please do not hesitate to contact me.

¡Thank you very much!


Rafael García

Islands International School

Rafael García graduated at iis in 1994. he was an outstanding student who got his ib diploma with a high score. moreover, he excelled at sports, particularly at football, took place in coni competitions and therefore, travelled to Chile to represent our school there.

After graduation, Rafael studied Industrial Engineering at UBA and worked for several top international companies such as Wall Mart. at present, he is the logistics manager at Alsea, which owns Starbucks Argentina among other important companies.


Agustina Faustin

Northern International School

When pablo princz first set foot at the school where he works, he longed to become the kind of teacher who transforms his students& lives.

Agustina faustin dreamt of offering her students, the same opportunities she, herself, was granted when she was offered the financial aid she needed to attend a private school and then go to college. Nowadays, they both work for "enseñだpor argentina" (exa) a ngo which has created a net of professionals in sveral areas who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with high school students in vulnerable environments.

Agustina is 26 and has a degree in human resources from uade. After graduation, she joined the corporate world. "what struck me the most was that opportunities were available only to a few and not to all.i used to work for several firms, laboratories and international companies and i realized the kind of job you get depends on your career choice and on the kind of school where you got your degree."

Pablo, 27, graduated in political science at universidad de san andrã‰s, buenos aires, and has worked for an important beverage firm. "i fancied going for a social experience, preferably in connection with education. I liked the idea of working with teenagers."

Their first year was full of challenges since, on the one hand, they had to become acquainted with the rules at the schools they were assigned to and, on the other, it was essential to get to know the social context of their students and blend in with the academic staff as well. "at the beginning, it was pretty difficult to deal with teachers who were far more experienced than i was. Fortunately, i worked at two schools whose principals were really cooperative so that i could start developing my project," agustina said. In fact, she currently works at nuestra señora del rosario en san fernando and in escuela plãcido marin situated in boulogne sur.

As regards pablo, his experience at escuela domingo savio in la cava, san isidro and escuela madre teresa in virreyes wasn&t easy either. "at the beginning it was really hard, not because of lack of enthusiasm or commitment but because it is necessary to nurture a close relationship with the students without which teaching is an impossible task."

Both acknowledge the effort they had to put in and as a result of this, they always encourage all the teachers to try to update their teaching skills so that they can get closer to their students.

"we should take baby steps at first and make a humble contribution to a whole that is greater than us. We are working with those who are meant to build our future."


Alejandro J. Ganimian

Islands International School

Alejandro J. Ganimian is a doctoral student in Quantitative Policy Analysis in Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where he is a Presidential Scholar, and a doctoral fellow in the Multidisciplinary Program in Inequality and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He has worked for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas. He is the co-founder of Enseñá por Argentina (ExA), an effort to recruit the country’s best and brightest college graduates to teach in schools serving the poor for at least two years, and of Educar y Crecer (EyC), an initiative that offers remedial education in maths and reading to children in slums in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He holds a master’s degree in educational research from the University of Cambridge, where he was a Gates scholar and an undergraduate degree in International Politics from Georgetown University.


Mariela Schiavo

Islands International School

Graduate from 1992. Lawyer, UBA. Master’s degree in Business Administration (UADE)

"For me Islands was more than a school. It was my home for nearly 10 years, the home also of my brother and sister, of my niece and nephew and where no doubt I hope to send my children in the future. It was the place where I developed both personally and professionally, and where I obtained the knowledge and values which are still relevant for me today.
There I was taught responsibility, how to form my own opinion and how to act with confidence in different situations. I am grateful to Islands not only for the technical knowledge acquired, which allowed me to become a successful lawyer, but also for the many personal experiences, memories and times shared with my friends, which have remained with me"


Melina Zurernik

Islands International School

Graduate from 1999, first degree in Sociology (UBA). Overall Director of Film and TV productions. Master’s degree in the Globalization of Local Development:

"Probably it was only when I began university that I gained a real perspective of how Islands had opened up opportunities for me. Leaving with a bilingual knowledge of English allowed me to get to know people from all over the world, an enriching experience which has continued my development. With the standard of Italian I reached I was able to do a Master’s degree at the University of Bologna without difficulty. The necessary skills have been acquired and I have no doubt that these were developed in the school".


Nicolás Giménez

Islands International School

Graduated at iis in 2009 and is currently a student of business administration at universidad de san andrés, buenos aires.

"i joined iis in kindergarten and graduated in 2009. I am now in my senior year of business administration at universidad de san andrés, buenos aires. As soon as i left high school , i started working as a parliamentary consultant with a congressman and now i have been appointed local director of a firm with subsidiaries in argentina, brazil and the us. As a way of giving back everything the school has given me, i devote some of my free time to working as a debating coach at iis.".


Victoria Appleyard

Islands International School

Graduate from 1999

"For the moment I am in the United States for work purposes and in due course I will be moving to the United Kingdom. I always keep Islands in my heart. It was and is a remarkable school, which gave me the basis to reach my current position as Stage Director for the Walt Disney Company and to be awarded a prize for being one of the best Cast Members of the company"


Virginia Álvarez Roldán

Islands International School

Graduate from 2005. Degree in Business Administration, ITBA:

"At the beginning I couldn’t believe it. I had been awarded a scholarship by the Università Per Stranieri Di Siena. I didn’t know how to react to this. I was scared but at the same time I was eager to embrace this experience.
I travelled to Italy in August 2006. On arriving in Siena I was amazed to discover Siena is a magnificent city full of cultural and historical sites. I lived in the university dorms with all the other international students.
As regards the course, I had lessons every morning from Monday to Friday and met people from Vietnam, Russia, Mexico, France, USA and Brazil among other countries.
All in all, I must say it was an unforgettable experience which allowed me not only to visit the whole Italy but also that I was as fluent in Italian as I was in English. Therefore, I’m extremely grateful to the school authorities for having chosen me among all their other students as it is an experience I will always keep in my heart".


Gabriela Krichesky

Islands International School

Gabriela Krichesky graduated from Islands International School in 1999. She obtained her Bachelor´s Degree in Education from the the National University of Buenos Aires (UBA), then her Master´s and Doctor´s degrees from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. Her research project was concerned with School Efficiency and School Improvement. She is now working in the Faculty of Education at the Torcuato di Tella University.


Federico Pelayo

Islands International School

Public Policy Economist Actual ubication: Chicago, Illinois

Sector: Public Politics



Teaching Assistant The University of Chicago Octubre de 2012 - marzo de 2013 (6 meses). Chicago, IL. PBPL 22200. Public Policy Analysis. Winter 2013. Instructor: James A. Leitzel, Ph. D., Director, Public Policy Studies, The College. Senior Lecturer, Social Sciences Collegiate Division. PBPL 20000. Economics for Public Policy. Autumn 2012. Instructor: Sabina L. Shaikh, Ph. D., Economics Lecturer at the University of Chicago in Public Policy and the Program on Global Environment.


Mayoral Fellow City of Chicago, Office of the Mayor Junio de 2012 - agosto de 2012 (3 meses). Chicago, IL.


Teaching Assistant - Microeconomics I Universidad del CEMA Septiembre de 2009 - julio de 2011 (1 año 11 meses). Buenos Aires, Argentina. Microeconomics with calculus for college sophomores. Instructor: Marcos Gallacher, Ph. D.


Junior Economist, Statistical Analysis, Social Security Studies ANSES Marzo de 2010 - marzo de 2011 (1 año 1 mes). Buenos Aires, Argentina.



The University of Chicago Master in Public Policy, GPA 3.84 out of 4 2011 - 2013 Dean´s Scholarship Recipient


Universidad del CEMA B.A., Economics 2006 – 2009


Francisco Roch

Islands International School

Economist (EP) at International Monetary Fund
Ubicación: área Metropolitana de Washington D.C., Estados Unidos

Economist (EP) International Monetary Fund Marzo de 2014 - actualidad (10 meses) Regional Studies Division - African Department.

Adjunct Lecturer
George Washington University
Agosto de 2014 - actualidad (5 meses). Área Metropolitana de Washington D.C., Estados Unidos. Instructor for undergraduate International Economics.

Economist (EP)
International Monetary Fund
Septiembre de 2012 - febrero de 2014 (1 año 6 meses) Debt Policy Division - Strategy, Policy, and Review Department (SPR)

Summer Intern
International Monetary Fund
Mayo de 2011 - septiembre de 2011 (5 meses) Conducted a research project that evaluates the effects of fiscal rules on an economy facing significant sovereign default risk. This is a joint project with Juan Carlos Hatchondo at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, and Leonardo Martinez at the International Monetary Fund.

Short Term Consultant
The World Bank
Mayo de 2011 - junio de 2011 (2 meses) Conducted the empirical analysis related to the research project "Assessing Financial Constraints in Brazil: a supply and demand approach".

Lecturer/Teaching Assistant
University of Chicago
Septiembre de 2007 - junio de 2011 (3 años 10 meses) Instructor for undergraduate advanced macroeconomics (ECON 203) in the Fall 2008 and Fall 2009 quarters

Teaching Assistant for:
International Trade and Economic Growth, Graduate Course taught by Robert Lucas
Monetary Economics II, Graduate Course taught by Robert Lucas
Econ 202, Macroeconomics Undergraduate Course taught by Robert Lucas
Game Theory, Undergraduate Course taught by Roger Myerson
Introduction to Public Finance, Undergraduate Course taught by Casey Mulligan
Introduction to Finance, Undergraduate Course taught by Phillip Braun

Summer Intern
Inter-American Development Bank
Julio de 2008 - septiembre de 2008 (3 meses) Participated on a cross unit study of the financial crisis impact on the bank’s portfolio. Analyzed management and governance of the bank’s liquid portfolio. Provided policy recommendations on institutional governance.

Visiting Scholar
Universidad del CEMA
Agosto de 2007 - abril de 2008 (9 meses) Taught short courses in Advanced Microeconomics (2007) and in Contracts and Mechanism Design (2008) for graduate students.

Instructor in Business Studies and Economics
Islands International School
Febrero de 2006 - julio de 2006 (6 meses). Argentina. Prepared high school students for Cambridge I.G.C.S.E. Business Studies examination, developing students understanding of business activity in the public and private sectors, and the importance of innovation and change.


Nicolás Zeitlin

Islands International School

Software Engineer
Ubicación: Berkeley, California

Reinforcement Learning Methods to Enable Automatic Tuning of Legged Robots
30 de mayo de 2012
Reinforcement learning applied to legged-robots opens up the possibility to design robots capable not simply of walking, but of adapting and learning how to walk autonomously without any human interaction. This new generation of robots can one day navigate disaster areas and explore unchartered terrain. In this paper we evaluate the need for a reinforcement learning algorithm to optimize the gait of OctoRoACH, a hand-sized eight-legged robot. In this paper we discuss the techniques to exploit WPAD. We detail the basics of the protocol itself before going on to talk about the attack methodology involved in exploiting WPAD. Finally we outline protective measures against any such malicious activity.

Octoroach Crawler
Agosto de 2011 – mayo de 2012
Bio-inspired legged robots have demonstrated the capability to walk and run across a wide variety of terrains, such as those found after a natural disaster. However, the survival of victims of natural disasters depends on the speed at which these robots can travel. This project investigates the need for adaptive gait tuning on an eight-legged robot, which will enable it to adjust its gait parameters to increase the speed at which it navigates difficult and varying terrains. Specifically, we have characterized the robot’s performance on varied terrains and used the results to inform the implementation of a finite-difference policy gradient reinforcement learning algorithm. After comparing the robot’s performance under hand-tuned policies with the performance under the reinforcement learning algorithm, we implemented an adaptive control policy on the robot which mediates hand-tuning and reinforcement learning. Current work involves testing the new control policy and applying it to safe exploration of unknown terrains.
Miembros de equipo:
• Nicolás Zeitlin
• Mallory Tayson-Frederick
• Zihong Lian

University of California, Berkeley - Bahía de San Francisco y alrededores, Estados Unidos.
Universidad de Buenos Aires – Argentina


Samantha Maranca

Islands International School

Buenos Aires, May 23rd 2014

Today I had a great time in the cocktail organised for class 1994. It was really moving to come back to school being an adult after 20 years and having taken different directions, in some cases, completely unthought of. I remember one of those festivals in Virrey Del Pino and Antonio Machado"s words come to my mind, "Caminante no hay camino; se hace camino al andar". Today we have had the possibility to get together after many years and share what each one of us has harvested so far. I would like to thank the authorities and teachers for having welcomed us with so much kindness and affection, while they helped us remember different anecdotes. I deeply value the hard work, commitment, ideals and dreams which nurtured our education.

I would also like to express my gratitude for the cocktail organised in our honour and for the video which mirrored the faces of all of us. Life and the passing of time help us valuesome things many years later, but always in good time to acknowledge the spirit, love and vocation which have been the seed of a great legacy, "para que la existencia humana sea satisfactoria hay que encontrarle un sentido a la vida". Looking back, I feel deeply moved when I see I have found sense in my life and I thank all those who have helped me discover my identity and be the human being I am today.

To the Pallaro family: today I understand the courage you have had to have a dream and work every single day to make it come true, to keep it alive and make it last forever. My wish is to keep the spirit of IIS intact for all those who choose to "hacer camino al andar".

Kind regards, Samanta Maranca


Alberto Kenny

Southern International School

"Im a founding student & graduate of the first class at SIS. The institution gave me the necessary knowledge and tools to successfully face the entrance examination to medicine at the UNLP. In 2010 I became a doctor and at present Im a third-year-intern of "image diagnosis" at Hospital Italiano, in Buenos Aires. Having learnt English has given me the possibility of reading international bibliography, which is essential to be updated in this area"


Maico Chia-I Hsiao

Islands International School

Soloist - Tenor

Maico Chia-I Hsiao was born in 1976 in Taiwan where he began his musical studies. Since 1986 he has lived in Buenos Aires where he started his studies in Vocal Technique with Prof. Diana Arzoumanian at the National Conservatory of Music "Carlos López Buchardo," then continued his studies with the great Víctor Torres. He currently serves on the Study of Buenos Aires, the male group "town" and the National Polyphonic Choir. He received a special mention in the First National Contest of the Scala de San Telmo and was a finalist in the Neue Stimmen competitions in Argentina and Belvedere. He recently won 3rd prize in the International Competition "María Borges" in Montevideo, Uruguay. As a soloist he has performed numerous oratorios and symphonic and choral works, including Messiah (Händel); Elijah (Mendelssohn); The Passion (Schütz); cantatas 42, 106, 113, 131, 142; Magnificat; Mass in B minor (Bach); The Passion According to St. John and St. Matthew (Bach); St. Cecilia Mass (Stravinsky); the great Mass in C minor (Mozart), and Petite Solennelle (Rossini). He has performed in Galatea Asis (Asis), The Theft of Persephone (CELF), Bastian and Bastienne (Bastian), Così fan tutte (Ferrando), The Magic Flute (Tamino), Norma (Flavio), The Loves of Apollo and Daphne (Cirillo and Pan), and Lincontro improvviso (Osmin). He has performed in the most important theaters in Buenos Aires and other provinces, as well as in Chile and the Netherlands along with major orchestras, such as the National Symphony Orchestra in May Chamber Orchestra, Provincial Temuco (Chile), Assembly Elyma among others.


Soledad Alais

Northern International School

Soledad Alais graduated from Northern International School in 2008. She excelled academically and sportively and was an active and enthusiastic participant in the most important tournaments at International Schools.Thanks to the agreement that the school has signed with the Siena University, she travelled to Italy to improve her knowledge of Italian. When she came back, she continued studying at Universidad de San Andrés and holds a Masters Degree in Economics. At present, she is working with the multinational company Zhongla in China. She has been and will always be a great partner: respectful, helpful and friendly.


Federico A. Mencarini

Islands International School

"Islands has given me the required academic standards to outshine in a competitive world, but even more important than that, it has given me the necessary personal skills to have a good life based on values. These have been of great importance when moving from a private personalised education to a public institution. In the UBA interpersonal and organizational skills are a priority. Moreover, the school has given me the group of friends I have today.

As for my studies at UBA, I became a lawyer, and specialised in tax and customs duties. At present Im doing a postgraduate course at the Economics Faculty in the UBA to specialise in tax systems. I was part of the Legal Department in several multinational companies and worked for leading lawyers offices till I founded my own firm"


María Victoria Szmidt

Southern International School

"I deeply value some ties with teachers and authorities during the years I was at school because they have been of great help and so has the academic standard of the IB Programme. The school gave me the knowledge, the tools and study methodology. Sitting for different international exams gave me the necessary experience to face team work and final exams at university and mastering four different languages has opened many doors. One of the most positive experiences that made an impact on me was being among the first students who decided to sit for an international exam on Portuguese and aim at an IB certificate. It was a great challenge then and a very positive practice. Travelling to the UK has also been an unforgettable experience - one of the most important ones during my adolescence -I would say". Apart from the academic benefits, it was an interesting cultural exchange and a great opportunity to consolidate bonds with teachers and friends. Studying Psychology and enjoying the process was a great personal achievement. I believe the school gave me the necessary tools to have a fearless attitude when facing university life".


Agustín Celeiro

Islands International School

"Islands taught me to value team work, to share effort to build important projects and to believe in teams rather than individuals. These ideas are the product of sports and other activities which are unforgettable experiences.

Once I graduated, I studied Business Administration at UB and when I travelled to Monterrey, México, I ended my MBA in the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

I have been living in San Pablo for the last 8 years. Im married to Claudia and have two-year old twins, Lorena and Carolina. Im the CEO of GM financial (General Motors Bank).

Greetings to the Islands community!"


Marcos Rodríguez

Southern International School

"I graduated at SIS in 2003 and all the effort I put into my studies and everything I learned at school, particularly to be tolerant, proved to be extremely useful when I went to college.

I then got a degree in Genetics and wrote my graduation thesis at INTA. After that I studied Biochemistry and graduated in December 2013. As I continued my studies, I started working in the Pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the biotechnology quality control area (biomedicine) and after a year I was appointed head of the department. Eventually, I was offered a position in the US but after a while I realized I did not share their work ethics. At present, I am travelling around Europe and living in Italy. Therefore, I am really grateful for having learned Italian at school since it has proved to be invaluable.

I am also determined to change my life, learn more about other cultures and visit other countries. Moreover, I am planning to shoot a documentary on environmental issues in Asia which means I will travel around this vast continent for about two years.

I hope you will keep on educating new generations of children with the same commitment, creativity and respect you offered me."


María Laura Portaluppi

Islands International School

I´m writing this letter to you because I´m about to get married and I´ve been thinking a lot about my current life and my future plans and projects. When I look back at my life, I realize how important my high school education at Islands International School was.

I would very much appreciate if you could paste this letter to the notice board so that students can read it because I´d like to speak directly to them. I want to tell the students that, no matter how much they protest waking up early and studying for hours for the IB exams, they won´t regret it later. It´s a wild world outside and if you are not academically prepared, they will eat you up.

I´m currently living in Santiago de Chile, where I have a very exciting job in the marketing business with a great salary, and, believe me, it´s all thanks to my outstanding high school education. When you are between twelve and seventeen years old, you have and ability to learn that you lose over the years. That´s why high school is paramount and even more important that college. I can´t even begin to thank all the teachers that changed my life and gave shape to my thoughts and opinions on politics, science and current affairs. They are so many that I can´t even name them. That´s why I want to thank you for everything, Islands International School,


George Viola

Islands International School

George M. Viola graduated from Islands International School in 1995. Some years later, he graduated with honours in Medicine from the Maimónides University and did his specialization in the University of Texas, Houston. He has published a vast number of articles and essays which show his perseverance and dedication to his career year after year.


María Belén Pironi

Northern International School - Islands International School

Northern International School - Islands International School
(Former student of Northern International School, primary education, and of Islands International School, secondary education)
Your school, very grateful for the message and proud of your achievements

Dear Estela, Paola and other members of the Community of International Schools:

It is with great pride that I am writing to inform you that the team of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), which I have been training since last year, won the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Competition.
It is the most important competition in the world in private international law and it was developed 23 years ago in Vienna, Austria. This year 311 universities participated, including the most prestigious, such as Harvard, Yale, NYU, etc.
Last year I had the opportunity to participate as a student and this year to accompany the team as a coach. The event is doubly historical, since it is not only the first time that the UBA wins this competition, but also that it is the first Latin American university to win it in history.
I did not want to stop participating in this event, since the training that the school gave me was the kickoff of the race that I began to develop these years. I only see closely related (among other things) the day I decided to do debating, the years we participated and won with the team in the different intercollegiate competitions, my next involvement as coach of the school teams, and this achievement with the UBA.
In particular, as a message for IS students, I would like to encourage them to take advantage of the opportunities they have so that they can distinguish themselves and excel in whatever they propose. Leave your comfort zones and "go the extra mile". At school you can find those opportunities, and throughout their careers, whenever they set out to do so, they will also find them.
I am available to provide more information about this experience and for anything else that you may need.

Thank you very much!!!

P.D.: I attached a photo and the link of the news on the page of the Law school.
María Belén Pironi


Tomás Alet Baker

Southern International School

Southern International School
Political Sciences
University of San Andrés

I had the experience of studying abroad, at the University of Sciences Po, in Paris. What I value most about my time at school are languages ????and perseverance. I acquired the French language very easily (in a period of 3 months I could already communicate fluently), thanks to the knowledge of Italian, Spanish, English and Portuguese! Having got elected to be able to make an exchange at the University of Sciences Po was one of the greatest joys.

Alet Baker, Tomás


Pilar Ferreira

Southern International School

Pride on our part and gratitude for thinking about your school

Good afternoon, Paola:
I am writing to let you know that I’m very grateful for my education. Studying outside, I realize every day how useful and valuable everything that we study at Southern International School was, especially languages. Here knowing more than one language is very much appreciated in the labor and academic area. Now Im a public relations intern at a clothing brand called Little Hill People.
Moreover, my career is going incredible. But I am writing you today because in my Marketing Principles class we study things that I studied in Construction of Citizenship. In my class on the Responsible Marketer, we study how to calculate average and rank and I feel in a position of knowledge much higher than most English students. We are the international students with the best grades.
In turn, I am grateful for the IB program. I feel that ultimately helps me constantly when it comes to writing and in my way of thinking. Since the beginning of classes in September, I was appointed representative of my class and I am part of the committee of the debate society as responsible for events and social networks (last week, I organized a debate of the 4 candidates for mayor of the city of Manchester together with my University).
The experience of studying outside is amazing. Every day I thank you for being here studying what I love in an incredible faculty with infinity of resources to grow as a professional and as a person. And all this could not be possible without the Southern International School and the constant support of my teachers.
If you ever want me to write or say something to encourage studies abroad or even studies within the area of ????public relations, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you very much,
Pilar Ferreira

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